Announcements and Updates from Citrix Synergy 2015

In my last post, I gave a general recap of Citrix Synergy 2015, and shared a great story about how Citrix really listens to their customers and partners. In this follow-up post, I’ll share some of my notes from the Synergy announcements. Since Citrix will no doubt fill in many of the details I will […]
Citrix Synergy 2015: Loving Means Listening

I was proud to once again represent GTRI at Citrix Synergy 2015 this year. If I had to distill it all down to one word for the year, it would be: LOVE.
Partnering with Citrix to Enable Mobile Workstyles

Set Your Sights on Remote Productivity

Your employees are probably like me. In the morning before heading into work, I may want to check my email on my phone. That will include my work email, of course, to find out if there’s anything I need to know about before I go in. There are things I’m not thinking about. I am […]
Citrix and GTRI Answer Your Questions about Designing and Deploying DaaS, SaaS and More

Desktops as a Service (DaaS). Software as a Service (SaaS). Virtual desktops. Hosted applications. The list of virtual IT solutions goes on and on and the possibilities keep expanding. The reality is that in today’s world you need secure ways to give users access to their work – from anywhere.
Citrix Synergy 2014 Recap: Part 4, Presentations and Purpose

In this final part of my Citrix Synergy 2014 recap, I will combine the last of my five “Ps” into one post: Presentations and Purpose. On the surface they may appear separate, but my experience at Synergy proved that they tie into each other.
Citrix Synergy 2014 Recap: Part 3, Products

To continue our recap of Citrix Synergy 2014, I wanted to share with you some of my perspective of the Products from the event, both from Citrix and other partner vendors.
Citrix Synergy 2014 Recap: Part 2, Strategic Partners

To continue my recap of Citrix Synergy 2014, I wanted to talk about Citrix’s focus on Strategic Partners. Those of you who have used virtualization in general, especially the technologies from Citrix, know that often what makes or breaks the solution is a combination of the core product, delivery partners and associated other vendor technologies. […]
Citrix Synergy 2014 Recap: Part 1, The People

Last week I had the pleasure of attending Citrix Synergy—the yearly conference held to bring together Citrix the company with dozens of vendors, partners (like GTRI, who is a Platinum Partner), distributors, and of course customers who actually USE Citrix products. Sure, there were sales-oriented people there, but mostly this week was focused on bringing […]
Hands-on Introduction to Citrix Virtual Desktop Solutions

Do you have a desire to start a project to take your apps from the traditional desktop model into the datacenter or “cloud”? Or maybe you’re just looking for ways to securely extend your office so that your people can access from home. Or maybe you have overseas developers, frustrated by the speed of the […]