Why IPv4 Addresses are Now Only “Locally Significant”

Residential Network Address Translation (NAT)
When Will We Stop Using IPv4?

When someone first starts learning about IPv6 they quickly come to understand that an IPv4-only node cannot communicate with an IPv6-only node and that dual-stack is the dominant transition method. Now, six years after World IPv6 Launch, there is a growing amount of IPv6 traffic on the Internet and in the next few years we might observe IPv6 Internet […]
Last Network Standing: Your Life as an IPv6 Laggard

Imagine yourself in a future world where networked technology is fully integrated into our daily lives and self-driving cars are commonplace. Most networks are wireless and almost all enterprise corporate applications are cloud-based. IPv6 is now widely deployed across the Internet and in private networks, yet there are still traces of legacy IPv4.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying About IPv4’s Limitation and Love IPv6

If you remember back before the Internet was a “thing,” first of all don’t tell anyone – you’ll really date yourself. Seriously, for those of us who witnessed the birth of the “World Wide Web” and the phenomenal growth of the Internet, it’s hard to believe that we’ve exceeded the capacity of the original IPv4 […]
Frequently Asked Questions About IPv6
Even though IPv6 has been around since the late 1990s and is now actively used on the Internet, I still meet people who are just beginning to learn about IPv6. Myself and others at the Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence (COE) have been teaching IPv6 for well over a decade. Recently at Cisco Live, Ed […]
IPv6 DNS Queries: A Work in Progress

Imagine what it was like to be an ancient mariner navigating the ocean blue at night using nothing more than stars, a sextant and a marine chronometer. Thankfully, navigating the Internet is not as daunting. The method that networked devices use to find their way around the digital ocean is the Domain Name System (DNS), […]
IT Nomenclature: What’s in a Name?
Nomenclature in computer and networking technologies can often be confusing and sometimes even funny.
Even More Methods To Provide IPv4 as a Service (IPv4aaS) — Part 3
In the first part of this blog series we covered the rationale behind why organizations may prefer to run a single-protocol IPv6-only core. However, service providers must continue to provide service to subscribers who have legacy IPv4-only devices. The second part of the blog delved into several ways ISPs can create an IPv4 as a […]
How to Provide IPv4 as a Service (IPv4aaS) — Part 2
In the first part of this 3-part blog series, we discussed how IPv4 will soon become a legacy protocol. In a few years, IPv6 Internet traffic volumes will surpass IPv4 Internet traffic volumes. We also explored the motivation for service providers to build an IPv6-only core network yet still fulfill their obligations to connect customer […]
IPv4 as a Service (IPv4aaS) — Part 1
Declaring IPv6 a Standard and Declaring IPv4 Historic