Zivaro joins Trace3 and is now Zivaro, a Trace3 Company! 

Combined businesses promise to deliver greater value for clients, create new opportunities for employees, and improve value within the partner ecosystem.


Work safely from anywhere.

Live, work, and learn safely with Zivaro.

The health and wellbeing of Zivaro team members, partners, and customers is our number one priority. And as COVID-19 rapidly evolves and transforms the experience of work and life for nearly all people, more and more workers, students, and professionals are being directed to stay home.

Zivaro, Cisco, and a number of our industry’s top manufacturers are here to provide solutions and support throughout this challenging time.

Our solutions, services, and teams are here to keep your workforce safe and securely connected.

Zivaro crafts tailored IT strategies, addressing challenges unique to various sectors. Our approach ensures your technological landscape isn’t just current but future-ready.

  • On-demand how-to videos
  • Technical training and certifications
  • One-on-one Technical and User support with certified remote work advisors

Extended free trials of the following products: