I am excited to be a speaker at Splunk .conf2016 (#splunkconf16), which will be September 26-29 in Orlando, FL. I’ll be joining Michael Franke, Senior Director Product Management for SecureAuth Corporation, to discuss how their custom Splunkbase app improved their customers’ visibility into security data and response times to security incidents.
SecureAuth’s IdP product determines identities with confidence for secure access to corporate assets such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and web-based apps through a combination of multi-factor authentication and adaptive access control. SecureAuth customers leveraging SplunkBase recognize the power it provides for greater visibility into security logs and other machine data to identify and reduce the effects of cyber-attacks.
GTRI is a Splunk Elite Partner, and SecureAuth partnered with us to create a SplunkBase app to expand their IdP customer control panel. The results were amazing. SecureAuth customers now have the ability to not only see high level reports, but also drill down to the details when looking into security issues, allowing them to rapidly remediate. The app also allowed one of their customers to detect and prevent an infiltration attempt by a foreign national.
You can learn more about the app and how it was built at our session, “Leveraging Splunk’s Ecosystem for Your Own Products,” on Wednesday, September 28 from 11:00 -11:45 a.m. If you want to connect at .conf, look me up on LinkedIn.
Luke Netto is a Splunk Consulting Engineer with GTRI’s Professional Services team.