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There’s a New Splunk User Group in Town

It’s an exciting time to be implementing Splunk. After all, the applications are endless. Splunk is a truly innovative product that provides visibility into an entire enterprise. It’s a solution for defect reduction and business intelligence, as well as security, and can provide valuable insights from your data. I’ve been a Splunk certified engineer for […]

It’s an exciting time to be implementing Splunk. After all, the applications are endless. Splunk is a truly innovative product that provides visibility into an entire enterprise. It’s a solution for defect reduction and business intelligence, as well as security, and can provide valuable insights from your data.

I’ve been a Splunk certified engineer for about a year and earned my architect designation in May. As a hands-on user, I continually learn more about how Splunk initiatives impact business decisions and I wanted to take these learning opportunities another step further. That’s why I’m excited to announce the initial launch of The Rocket City Splunk User Group in Huntsville, AL.

The first meeting is July 30 – you can find details on our events page or on Meetup. If you’re interested in big data solutions, operational intelligence and improving your customers’ experience, then this may be the group for you.

If you’d like to read a bit more about Splunk before the meeting, check out our Splunk page.