How to Strategically Consume Technology
Hate it or love it, the way businesses consume technology is changing. Pretty much every business need can now be met with “as a service (aaS)” delivery from the cloud. Software as a Service = SaaS. Platform as a Service = PaaS. Infrastructure = IaaS. Information Technology = ITaaS. You get the idea. But does […]
NetApp Insight 2015: Data Fabric and Cloud Storage
NetApp’s annual conference was held last week at the Mandalay Bay Conference Center in Las Vegas. Over 5,000 NetApp customers, partners and employees gathered to listen to NetApp’s impression of the rapidly changing storage industry. This was the fifth NetApp Insight conference I’ve attended since first being introduced to “Network Appliance” many years ago. While […]
Cloud Computing is Saving My Job
The cloud. A melding of meteorology with traditional IT? Not exactly.
Big Announcements from EMC World 2014
This week (May 5-8, 2014) was EMC’s annual conference, EMC World, held in Las Vegas, NV. During this event, EMC makes many product announcements and reveals their plans for the year ahead. In this post, I will review the most significant product announcements and information I learned at EMC World.