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Combined businesses promise to deliver greater value for clients, create new opportunities for employees, and improve value within the partner ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions About IPv6

Even though IPv6 has been around since the late 1990s and is now actively used on the Internet, I still meet people who are just beginning to learn about IPv6.  Myself and others at the Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence (COE) have been teaching IPv6 for well over a decade.  Recently at Cisco Live, Ed […]

Securing Open DNS Resolvers Against Denial of Service Attacks

The Domain Name System (DNS) has been the target of many types of attacks in recent years. Authoritative DNS servers are exposed to the Internet and generally allow queries from all IP addresses. However, DNS resolvers are typically internal to an organization and allow queries only from the internal clients they serve. DNS resolvers that […]

Improved Network Security through DNS Inspection (Pt. 2)

In the previous blog post on DNS traffic inspection we covered how attackers target DNS systems. Attackers use Fast-Flux DNS techniques to rapidly change the server’s hosting malware. Attackers control malware to change the DNS behavior on the end-user’s computer or server. In this blog we are going to discuss the various techniques at your […]