Make Your Product Dual Protocol, or Pay the Consequences Later

Lately the IPv6 community has been witnessing a disturbing trend. Brand new networked products are being introduced to the market without IPv6 capabilities. Undoubtedly, these companies intend for their products to remain relevant for the foreseeable future. However, they RTM their software with an already obsolete feature-set. But the cost to change these products later […]

Securely Enabling ICMPv6 Router Advertisements on Your IPv6 Network

When a dual-protocol host joins a network, it sends an ICMPv6 (type 133) Router Solicitation (RS) message to inquire about the local IPv6-capable router on the network. The local router is tuned into the ff02::2 (all-router’s multicast group address) and will receive the RS message. In response to the RS, the router immediately sends an […]

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