Zivaro joins Trace3 and is now Zivaro, a Trace3 Company! 

Combined businesses promise to deliver greater value for clients, create new opportunities for employees, and improve value within the partner ecosystem.

Big Announcements from EMC World 2014

This week (May 5-8, 2014) was EMC’s annual conference, EMC World, held in Las Vegas, NV. During this event, EMC makes many product announcements and reveals their plans for the year ahead. In this post, I will review the most significant product announcements and information I learned at EMC World.

Did You Miss Cloud Expo? Here’s A Recap

For anyone who missed keeping up with the Cloud Expo, here is a link to a day by day guide to the event’s happenings.  This is a must see for any person trying to keep up with events surrounding the world of cloud.

Splunk and Cloudmeter Stream

Data is big, we have become aware of the scale that data is reaching.  Data storage is no longer a troublesome issue but data management has become increasingly important.  Splunk can pull the important data straight out of the modge podge that becomes any company’s “everything”. Splunk is now used by 5,600 enterprises, universities, government […]