Understanding Your Organization’s Role in Cloud Security
Whenever you stay in a hotel, you likely take certain things for granted, one of which is security. You expect that the management will have taken reasonable steps to keep guests and their valuables safe during their stay. You expect that no one else will be given a key to your room, and that you […]
AWS Architecture: Massive Scalability, Minimal Cost
The topic of emerging trends in cloud-based application architecture will be explored at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Denver-Boulder User Group on February 23, hosted by GTRI. The guest speaker for the evening will be Cameron Pope, Principal Cloud Architect for GTRI.
Cloud Migration Case Study: GTRI and Prologis
Many IT organizations are looking at cloud services as a way to leverage the agility, elasticity and flexibility associated with application delivery. While it’s one thing to research the benefits of cloud computing, it’s much harder to put into practice. Where do you start when it comes to transferring enterprise systems from an onsite data […]
How EMC is Redefining ITaaS: News and Views from EMC World 2015
Joe Tucci, CEO of EMC, opened up this year’s EMC World with, “We are living in interesting times…,” and he is absolutely right!
Transitioning to a Hybrid Cloud Environment with vCloud Air
According to a recent State of the Cloud Survey(1), 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy and more than half of those are already using both public and private cloud. It’s no secret why. The advantages of a combined on-premises and cloud-based data center are just too extensive to pass up. Using the cloud […]
More Ways to Set Up Your Cloud Infrastructure for Failure
In my last post , I offered five steps for ensuring a disastrous deployment of hybrid cloud infrastructure. Below are a few more pieces of advice that you can take with a grain of salt (unless you’d like your deployment to fail).
How to Assure Failure in the Hybrid Cloud
One of the longest-lasting traditions in the computer industry is one of stubborn behavior in the face of change. Back in the days when mainframes ruled the earth and information technology (IT) was called management information systems (MIS), there were COBOL-encrusted contrarians who believed that personal computers (PCs) were a fad. They would never catch […]
Insight 2014 Unites NetApp Community
GTRI is a NetApp Gold Partner. Recently we sent several attendees to the NetApp Insight engineering conference October 27-30 in Las Vegas.
Cloud Computing is Saving My Job
The cloud. A melding of meteorology with traditional IT? Not exactly.
Make Your Product Dual Protocol, or Pay the Consequences Later
Lately the IPv6 community has been witnessing a disturbing trend. Brand new networked products are being introduced to the market without IPv6 capabilities. Undoubtedly, these companies intend for their products to remain relevant for the foreseeable future. However, they RTM their software with an already obsolete feature-set. But the cost to change these products later […]