Your employees are probably like me. In the morning before heading into work, I may want to check my email on my phone. That will include my work email, of course, to find out if there’s anything I need to know about before I go in. There are things I’m not thinking about. I am not thinking about how if my phone were lost or compromised, the information on it would not be exposed. I’m not thinking about how if a mistake were made and my account tagged for removal that my entire phone could be wiped remotely due to corporate policy. I’m thinking that one of my team has asked for help with an issue and I know it will be my first priority of the day.
If your employees are like me, they expect to be able to start a document on their PC at the office and be able to finish it at a coffee shop. I’m not thinking about how I used to have to store the document on a USB drive (or… remember floppy disks?) and worry about what happens if it fails. I am thinking about the results of my last assessment and how I need to put some polish on a few items before this meeting.
If your employees are like me, they may need to have information from customers or others outside of the organization delivered to them securely, but the files are too large for an email attachment. I don’t want to have to drive over with a USB stick or figure out some holes to poke in our corporate security to allow them to send the document. I am thinking that on my way out of the office an email arrived informing me that the files I requested by email have been uploaded securely to our datacenter and I now have access to them for my review this afternoon. I am thinking one less awkward call has to be made today, and I immediately send a thank you response.
If your employees are like me, they may be walking into a building and find they need to access a note from a team member to figure out which floor the office was on (yes, this happened to me a few weeks ago). I am not thinking about if this is secured information that needs to be protected and wiped from my phone once I’m done looking at it. I’m thinking I am already running late and am feeling silly for not having thought of this before I got there.
If your employees are like me, they may want to leave a little early to avoid the pitfalls of Denver traffic. I’m not thinking about how the program I am accessing at the office is not available to me on my home PC or my Mac. I’m thinking about my commute home being 45 minutes shorter so I have more time to spend with my wife tonight.
The reality is that your employees ARE like me. They don’t want to think about any of these things — they just want it all to work together to fit the way they want to work. They want less workarounds, less restrictions and more capability. They want their Workspace to be everywhere. In other words, it’s time to go beyond just “XenApp” or “XenDesktop” and on to the Citrix Workspace Suite!
Citrix has been a leader in accomplishing these very goals for the last 25 years, and GTRI invites you to join us to find out more how a single product suite can meet all of these goals and more. Secured email and mobile applications that use a micro VPN connection (single application connection to the corporate network). Secure “Dropbox” like capability that follows you from device to device seamlessly with the data stored in the cloud or your datacenter (or both). Desktops and applications delivered securely thru remote connections with full support for peripherals and printing and delivered to any device consistently. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Citrix has technologies that manage all of this together, reducing overhead and Operating Expenditures year after year, providing industry-leading performance.
Whether you’ve been using Citrix products for years or are completely new to the concepts of your employees desiring to work in more places than just the office, I encourage you to join us November 13 to learn more about Citrix Workspace Suite. To make things really fun, we’ll be holding this event at the Kiowa Creek Sporting Club in Bennett, CO, where you’ll have the chance to shoot some clay targets before a lunchtime presentation about Workspace Suite.
Shotguns, ammo, targets, earplugs and lunch will all be provided (or bring your own if you like!). Register today and come set your sights high with GTRI and Citrix!